
Anki Väyrynen
Energetic and reliable. The heart on the right place.
Ninni Kullberg
Ninni is skilful with all kind of horses. She handles also challenging situations. Ninni is diplomatic and she is good with both children and adults. Ninni has graduated from the university of Hólar and she is " Bachelor of science in riding and riding instruction". She is also Tölt in Harmony instructor, level 1. Ninni speaks Swedish, Finnish, English and Icelandic. Ninni is for the moment on mathernity leave.

Linda Loimijoki
Linda is a calm and patient bachelor of social services and educated, among others, in empowering horse activities. After many years of jumping, Linda has now focused on educating young horses and rehabilitating horses in different ages both from the ground and from horseback. For Linda the goal as a riding instructor is always healthy, happy and selfconfident horses and riders and a harmonius interplay between them. Linda teaches in Swedish, Finnish and English.
Justina Hattunen
Justina is a versatile equestrian and riding instructor. Her passion has always been show jumping, but she has gained experince by working in a variety of stables since the the age of 16, from small stables to large riding schools and competition stables. She has also supplemented her knowledge with training in equine social pedagogy, and is currenty studiyng physioteraphy. In her teaching she focuses a lot on the basics, as well as the rider´s seat. Justina is happy to teach riders of all levels.

Nora Loimijoki
Nora is an emergency carer and a riding instructor with a long experience as well in riding, driving and ground work. As a person Nora is warm and thoughful, she always prioritize the well being of the horse and puts a big focus on the riders body, seat and soft aids. Nora teaches both in Swedish and Finnish.
Elin Sandfors
Elin is a young Icelandic horse rider from Kirkkonummi with a long experience in working with horses. Elin likes to help both adults and children in their riding development. Elin focuses much on the seat of the rider, balance and body control. The wellbeing both of the horse and the rider is important in the teaching. Elin teaches both in Swedish and Finnish.
Linnea Sandfors
Linnea is an Icelandic horse rider from Kirkkonummi with a long experience from competing in sport classes. Linnea compets on FC-level. Linnea likes to work with the versatile Icelandic horse to educate wellbalanced riders. Linnea teaches both in Swedish and Finnish.

Jenna Loimijoki
Jenna has a lot of experince of working with different kinds of horses. Competing history is found especially in jumping, but the biggest interest has being working with young horses. Jenna is a psychiatric nurse and also as a riding instructor the goal is to improve the riders mental wellbeeing and to help them to reach their personal goals. Jenna teaches in Swedish, Finnish and English.

Laura Sundell
Laura är en multitalang inom hästbranschen. Hon utbildar sig kontinuerligt genom kurser och olika utbildningar. Hon är speciellt intresserad av samhörigheten mellan häst och människa och hur man kan förbättra samhörigheten. Som lärare tar hon fasta på grundelement och en god sits. Hon löser även gärna ryttarens fysiska utmaningar. Som lärare är Laura uppmuntrande och lätt att närma sig. Man kan även ta upp svårare känslor, som ridning ibland kan väcka. Laura är utbildad hästskötare samt CWC (coaching with connection) sits- och biomekanik instruktör.

Laura Jokinen
Laura is a versatile equestrian and riding instructor. Her passion is dressage but she is always ready to test something new. With horses she is determined and smart but at the same time gentle. She focuses at the same time ability to read the horses, both from horseback as from the ground. In teaching she focuses among all on the seat of the rider and aids, and on the co-operation of the horse and rider. She is happy to teach both children and adults on all levels.